Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 19 - El Paso to Fort Hancock

El Paso was a bust. Nothing to see or do so it was nice to get back out on the road. Nice surprise today: tail winds, good ones too, too bad it was a short day.

Not a lot to see, but we did pass a large American flag made of concrete test samples, you construction folks will appreciate that, a giant rooster and some old John Deer farm equipment.

We stopped for tacos at Taco Mary's in Fabens (remember Hamburger Mary's on Folsom? That was a good burger) where we ran into a couple from North Carolina riding the same route east to west and hung out for about an hour. They gave us some pointers for our journey east.

We also meet a couple of ice delivery men in Tornillo that were amazed that we would choose to ride across the country on bicycles. They took our picture and I asked them to send it to me, their shot is included here.

Once in Fort Hancock we checked in to the only hotel in town, walked down to the corner grocery for an ice cream and eventually found our way across the street for dinner. We all had the chicken fried steak to honor our arrival in Texas. Finished with a slice if cherry pie.

The weather forecast calls for easterly winds again starting tomorrow with a chance of thunderstorms. We've decided to get a early start to get as far as we can before the weather turns worse in the afternoon. Got to turn in early tonight.


  1. Love those chicken fried stakes. Milk Gravey. Sherryl will makes us some - In Kansas.

  2. Any roadrunner sightings? I love that weird little prairie chicken. Dede and I saw them in that part of Tejas a few years ago.

  3. Man, Chicken Fried steak....ummmm...ummmmmm....ummmmm...just the picture alone makes me hungry.
